The Foundation for the Preservation of the Santa Susana
Mountains and the Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park are assisted by a
number of other organizations.
The following are links to a few of

The Santa Susana Mountain Park Association (SSMPA) is a 501(c)(4) non-profit established in 1970 to serve as stewards of the Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park (SSPSHP) and surrounding areas, and to continue to preserve and protect habitats for plants and animals native to the location, unique geological formations, and sites of ethnological, archaeological, and historic interest. SSMPA seeks to provide passive recreational and environmental education opportunities, support the acquisition of new public parks, open space and conservation easements, expand existing natural parks, and to participate in the planning of park infrastructure and programs.

The California State Parks Foundation (CSPF) was founded in 1969 by William Penn Mott, Jr., former director of both California's Department of Parks and Recreation and the National Park Service. With 130,000 members, CSPF is the only statewide independent nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting, enhancing and advocating for California's magnificent state parks. Since 1969, CSPF has raised more than $186 million to benefit state parks. CSPF is committed to improving the quality of life for all Californians by expanding access to the natural beauty, rich culture and history, and recreational and educational opportunities offered by California's 278 state parks—the largest state park system in the United States.
Local Organizations and Resources

The Chatsworth Historical Society (CHS) was formed in 1963 and upholds a three point mission in addition to the commemoration of historical dates and events:
- to preserve and mark historic sites and landmarks of the Chatsworth area.
- to be an agency for the collection of photographs, artifacts, and archaeological items that represent the history of Chatsworth.
- to establish a museum to house and exhibit the collection.

The mission of the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council (CNC) is to provide an open forum for public discussion of issues concerning the Chatsworth community and to facilitate communication between the City of Los Angeles and Community Stakeholders.

Save Chatsworth, Inc. is a coalition of homeowners and local non-profit organizations, dedicated to saving Chatsworth from excessive, irresponsible development. Save Chatsworth, Inc. was founded in July of 2002, with the mission “to ensure that all future development remains consistent with the existing rural character and heritage of Chatsworth.”

Northridge-Chatsworth Patch, formerly Chatsworth Patch, cover local news and events like no other electronic or print media every day, all day.

The Rancho Simi Trail Blazers is a volunteer organization of outdoor enthusiasts consisting of bikers, equestrians, hikers, and naturalists. We are totally committed to the care and protection of our natural environment for the enjoyment of all. We do this through:
- Maintenance, development, and improvement of our trail system
- Cooperative promotion between all its users
- Exploration of sensitivities through interpretive classes and organized trail activities