The Foundation for the Preservation of the Santa Susana Mountains

is working to protect and enhance the Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park


About Us

The Foundation for the Preservation of the Santa Susana Mountains (the Foundation) was formed in May 1974 as a charitable organization qualified under IRS §501(c)(3) to support the acquisition of land identified as ideal property for a state park in the Santa Susana Mountains and Simi Hills.  The Foundation was successful in acquiring land, and ultimately facilitated the purchase of 670 acres for what is now the Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park.
The Foundation was recently honored as "2019 Non-Profit of the Year" by the Chatsworth/Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce.

Pictured from left to right are Wendi Gladstone, Bob Dager, Vicki Briskman (Chamber outgoing Board Chair), Glenn Bailey, Jelena Csanyi, and Ron Schulkin (incoming Chamber Board Chair).

Photo credit:  Mark Haberman

Four new picnic tables were recently installed at the Andora Trailhead of the SSPSHP.  They were purchased by the Foundation using grant funding and were transported from Northern California and assembled by the California Department of Recreation and Parks staff.

Photo credit:  Dale Chaloukian

The Foundation's stagecoach was a popular attraction at the Pioneer Day event held at the Homestead Acre on October 7, 2018.  One of the State legislators who represents the park area, Assemblyman Dante Acosta, joined Foundation Board member Wendi Gladstone inside the stagecoach.

The Foundation and State Park volunteers enjoyed participating in the 2017 Chatsworth Holiday Parade.  This year the stagecoach was decorated with the theme of "Unwrap the Magic of the Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park."

Photo credit:  Jelena Csanyi

We proudly acknowledge the generous support of:
  • California State Parks Foundation
  • Chatsworth Neighborhood Council
  • Canoga Park Neighborhood Council
  • County of Los Angeles
  • Kiwanis of Chatsworth
  • Los Angeles City Council Districts 3 and 12
  • DC Collective
  • Southern California Gas Company
You can donate while you shop --
if you sign up!

Ralphs Community Contribution Program

Ralphs and Food for Less will contribute 1% of your eligible purchases to the Foundation to benefit the SSPSHP.  Register your Ralphs Rewards card online and then sign up for Community Rewards by linking your card to the "Foundation for the Preservation of the Santa Susana Mountains" (organization number 93414).   Click here for instructions.  Once you are successfully enrolled, each of your receipts should have this wording at the bottom:  "At your request, Ralphs is donating Foundation for the Preservation of th"

Thank you for your support of the Foundation and of the Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park!

The schedule and flyer of upcoming Winter and Spring hikes, as well as a list of our upcoming events and activities, are posted on our Hikes and Events webpage.

New for 2016:  California State Parks has produced a revised brochure for the Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park, which is linked here.  The printing of the new brochure was funded by a generous grant by the California State Parks Foundation.

To make a donation to support the Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park, you may do so using PayPal (click on Donate button below).  Thank you!

The Foundation for the Preservation of the Santa Susana Mountains recognizes and acknowledges the first peoples of this ancestral and unceded territory of Momonga (Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians) and Tapuu (Mitsqanaqa’n/Ventureño Chumash) that is now occupied by the Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park; honors their elders, past and present, and the descendants who are citizens of the Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians and the Mitsqanaqa’n/Ventureño Chumash.  We recognize that the Tribes are still here and we are committed to lifting up their stories, culture and community.

The Foundation organized the park's first-ever Santa Susana Trails Day on May 19, 2012 with over 100 attendees, many first time visitors.  Assemblymember Bob Blumenfield presented the Foundation with a State Assembly Certificate of Recognition for its "extraordinary commitment and dedication to the Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park."


The next Foundation meeting will include an opportunity for Park volunteers to ask questions and make comments to the FPSSM Board of Directors at 6:30 p.m.

Date:  Monday, March 10, 2025
Time:  6:30 p.m.

This meeting may be held in person or virtually via Zoom.  
If any State Park volunteers would like to join the virtual board meeting, please contact Elizabeth Harris at

Each volunteer will have five minutes for Q&A

If any State Park volunteers would like to join the virtual board meeting, please contact Elizabeth Harris at

Board of Directors

President:  Ann LaManna

Vice-President:  Glenn Bailey

Assistant Vice-President:  Dr. Elizabeth Harris

Secretary:  Wendi Gladstone

Treasurer:  Teena Takata

Member:  Dottie Acker

Member:  Dale Chaloukian

Member:  Bob Dager

Member:  Karen Dow

Member:  Richard Dow

Member:  Michelle Franks

Member:  Terry Tanner

Thank you for your many years of service on the Board:

Jelena Csanyi and Sharon Shingai

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